Medical Student Code of Conduct


Students will not refuse to participate in the care of a person based on race, religion, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, age, or sexual preference. Students will treat all patients, faculty, staff, classmates, medical specialties, and health care team members with respect and consideration without regard to gender, age, race, religion, ethnicity, class, or sexual orientation.


The patient’s right to the confidentiality of his or her medical information is fundamental. The discussion of a patient and the handling of their medical record shall not violate their confidence. Students will be aware of hospital policy with respect to the handling of medical records. For further information regarding college’s policy regarding confidentiality refer to the “Confidentiality policy” of this document.

Professional Demeanor

The student should be thoughtful and professional when interacting with patients and their families, faculty, and colleagues. Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to, the use of offensive language, gestures, or remarks with sexual overtones. Students must dress in accordance with hospital policy when interacting with inpatients, out-patients (including standardized patients), and faculty when in a clinical setting. The student should seek supportive services when appropriate. Students should respect that faculty have devoted their time to teaching medical students in lectures, small groups, clinics, and hospitals.


A student should accurately represent him/herself. Students should never introduce themselves as Doctor as this is a misrepresentation of the student’s position, knowledge, and authority.


Students are expected to demonstrate honesty and integrity in all aspects of their education and in their interactions with patients, staff, faculty, and colleagues. They will not cheat, plagiarize, or assist others in the commission of such acts. The student must ensure the accuracy and completeness of his or her part of the medical record, and must make a good-faith effort to provide the best possible patient care. Students should seek consultation and supervision whenever they are unsure of their level of knowledge and/or experience. Students must be willing to admit errors, and not knowingly mislead others or promote himself or herself at the expense of a colleague, faculty, or patient. Students are encouraged to report any breach of the guidelines stated in this code of conduct by other students through the appropriate channels. The student should understand the protocols for such reports.

Conflict of Interest

When a conflict of interest arises, the welfare of the patient must at all times be paramount. A student may challenge or refuse to comply with a directive if its implementation would be contrary to his or her own ethical principles, or exceeds their level of knowledge and/or experience, when such action does not compromise patient welfare. Students shall be guided by the PM&DC’s Code of Ethics in such matters, particularly with respect to interactions with commercial interests.

Sexual Misconduct & Harassment

The student will not engage in romantic, sexual or other non-professional relationships with a patient or a patient’s family, even at the request of the patient or family member, while the student is involved with the patient’s care. The student is not expected to tolerate inappropriate sexual behavior on the part of faculty, staff other medical personnel, or patients. The student is encouraged to report inappropriate sexual behavior on the part of faculty, staff, other medical personnel, patients, or patient’s family members to the appropriate authorities. Sexual harassment of fellow students and other people on the campus. Sexual harassment includes sexual advances, sexual solicitation, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.


The student will not use alcohol or drugs especially on the college campus. It is the responsibility of every student to protect the public from an impaired colleague, and to attempt to assist a colleague who is impaired to receive the appropriate intervention.

Criticism of Colleagues

It is unethical and harmful for a student to disparage, without good evidence, the professional competence, knowledge, qualifications, or services of a colleague, to a review (judicial) body, staff, students, or a patient. It is also unethical to imply in word, gesture, or deed that a patient has been poorly managed, or mistreated by a colleague, without demonstrable evidence. Professional relations among all members of the medical community should be marked with civility. Thus, scholarly contributions should be acknowledged, slanderous comments and acts should be avoided, and each person should recognize and facilitate the contributions of others to the community. The medical student will deal with all members of the health team in a co-operative and considerate manner.


Research conducted by students should follow all the guidelines provided by the college research and ethical committee.


Students should seek feedback and actively participate in the process of evaluating both themselves and their teachers (faculty as well as house staff). Students are expected to respond to constructive criticism by appropriate modification. When evaluating faculty performance, students are encouraged to provide prompt, constructive comments. Evaluations may not include offensive language or personal attacks, and should maintain the same considerate, professional tone expected of faculty when they evaluate student performance.

Competition and Cheating

Unethical and dishonest competition is unacceptable and unprofessional. Students must not obtain, receive, or use assistance during an examination of any kind from any source that is not authorized by faculty. This shall include, but not be limited to, the copying of answers from another student, communicating with another student in order to obtain such information, and using unauthorized notes or devices. Students must not submit a technical or written assignment that is not the work of the student. Students will adhere to rules established and made clear regarding the circumstances under which examinations of any kind will be performed.

Policy on Substance Abuse

Students are strictly prohibited to use any illegal drugs and alcohol and strictly abide by the laws of Pakistan in this regard. Students are responsible for recognizing and addressing any personal issues concerning substance abuse. It is important that students understand that their behavior in public reflects on both the medical profession and the medical school, and are encouraged to take this into account at all times.

Policy on Illegal Drugs

The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs or alcohol by any student is prohibited.

Teaching and Learning

Students will not engage in behavior that interferes with the learning environment. This includes any behavior which disrupts the learning environment, or distracts other students or faculty. The student should be particularly mindful to avoid those behaviors that have been identified as disruptive by faculty or other students in advance.
In general, full disclosure is a fundamental ethical requirement. The patient must be well informed to make health care decisions and work intelligently in partnership with the medical team. Every effort should be made to ensure that information the patient needs for decision making is presented in terms the patient can understand. If, for some reason, the patient is unable to comprehend, there should be full disclosure to the patient’s authorized representatives.
Informed Consent
Students should understand the importance of the obligation to obtain informed consent from patients, but are not responsible for obtaining such consent. It is the physician’s responsibility to ensure that the patient, or his/her surrogate, be appropriately informed as to the nature of the patient’s medical condition, the objectives of proposed treatment alternatives, and risks involved. The physician’s presentation should be understandable and unbiased. The patient’s or surrogate’s concurrence must be obtained without coercion.

Conduct Outside of School

Medical students recognize that their behavior reflects on themselves, the college, and the medical profession, whether they are in college or outside it. When representing RLKU Medical College at a college sanctioned activity, students are expected to conduct themselves according to this code of conduct.

Student Attendance, Class & Ward Participation policy.

1. Student should be punctual in attending classes; any student coming late more than 5-10 minutes without genuine reason will be marked absent.
2. Every student shall attend classes regularly and punctually and shall refrain from any action that may disturb the smooth working of the college.
3. Repeated absence from lectures, practical’s, tutorials, demonstrations and clinical wards, without any justified reasons, will make a student liable for disciplinary action.
4. Attendance will be taken at beginning of the each lecture; late comers shall enter in the class room with the permission of the teacher.
5. Students who leaves the class room after the roll call without the permission of the teacher are liable for disciplinary action.
6. When classes are in session, students shall not enter or leave class rooms without the permission of the teacher concerned.
7. The students must periodically check their attendance record on notice boards or from concerned department.
8. Comply with safety measures and instructions within the class room and the laboratories and use equipment’s safely and appropriately.
9. Impersonation at roll call will be considered as a serious offense liable for disciplinary action.
10. Submission of home works according to assigned dates otherwise will be subject to loss of marks.
11. Food and beverages are not allowed in the classrooms.